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young adults

Task force connects young people

The Education Ministries’ Youth and Young Adult Task Force’s eight Western Washington members are optimistic about the future as they plan events to listen to what is and is not working for youth and young adult workers and more

Afghanistan petition Peace Action Group prepared petition to end war in Afghanistan. Church sent 250 signatures.
Ethical Will Senior lunch participants engage with each other, challenged by programs that build mutual caring.
Tara Leininger Pastor serves 100-year-old transforming church and is mayor of 100-year-old Metaline Falls.
Roger Ross Westminster hosts Kirkin' o' the Tartans, an American celebration of Scottish clans' plaids and colors.
Camps 'Got Spirit?' is the theme campers will explore during 2011 summer camps at Pilgrim Firs and N-Sid-Sen.
young adults Youth and Young Adult Task Force connects young people and plans events to build PNC leadership.
Gale Peterson Gale Peterson discusses how mission and stewardship empower children to live their faith.
Annual Meeting Da Vita McCallister is keynote speaker for 2011 Annual Meeting at University Congregational UCC Church in Seattle.
Visit to Tuscon stirs awareness of immigration issues and becomes surreal connection with tragic shootings.
News briefs announce transitions, camps, retreats, events and opportunities in the Conference.

Mary Stamp - Editor - Pacific Northwest Conference News - 509-535-1813 - Contact